26 September 2008

Obama's Supporters: should tell you all you need to know!

originally posted at:
by: Henry Louis Gomez, September 25, 2008 05:09 PM

What type of people support Barack Obama?

When I was a boy I was often reminded by my grandmother that one is judged by the company he keeps (Dime con quien andas, y te diré quien eres). Apparently Barack Obama's ("typical white") grandmother never shared the same wisdom with him. That's the only explanation for the cast characters that Obama has surrounded himself with. That cast includes unsavory people like Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and even Greg Craig (Bill Clinton's attorney who represented Fidel Castro and Juan Miguel Gonzalez in the Elian case). But it's not just Obama's associates that trouble me, it's his supporters. You may be aware that several months ago an Obama precinct captain in Houston named Maria Isabel was interviewed by a TV station at her Obama volunteer office where she had a Cuban flag with Che Guevara's face emblazoned on it.

As offensive as I found it, I couldn't draw a conclusion from one misguided and perhaps crazy lady. But as I investigated the Maria Isabel story I found out that on Barack Obama's official web site there is a place for supporters to post their personal thoughts. In this "user-generated" section of Obama's web site people are encouraged to explain which issues are important to them, why they support Barack Obama and to post an inspirational quote or two from historic figures. Many of these people actually quoted Che Guevara, the Butcher of La Cabaña himself. Here is just one example.

But the story doesn't end there. I decided to search Obama's web site and see who else his supporters draw inspiration from. Here's a partial list of the people that Obama's followers think so highly of that they quote them on his official web site (I have been posting them on my blog every day for more than a week) Many of these historical figures make Guevara look like a boy scout:

Karl Marx

Ho Chi Minh

Mao Tse-Tung

Vladimir Lenin

Leon Trotsky

Joseph Stalin

Fidel Castro

Subcomandante Marcos

Huey P. Newton

Antonio Gramsci

Frida Kahlo

Mikhail Bakunin

Rosa Luxemburg

Walter Benjamin

Bertolt Brecht

Abbie Hoffman

Bobby Seale

Assata Shakur

Salvadore Allende

Noam Chomsky

You can view the original pages at my.barackobama.com by clicking the links within the posts I have provided above.

Although this is just a handful of people, I believe its symptomatic of a greater trend. There's probably many more believers in Marxism among Obama's supporters, these are only the ones who were too stupid to disguise their beliefs.

When you find yourself in the privacy of the voting booth on November 4th, I urge you to consider the type of people who support Barack Obama and the type of policies they are likely to support if he is elected president. I urge you to reject Barack Obama, reject his questionable friends, and reject his followers who admire the most violent and evil people the world has produced in recent history.

UPDATE: The above list was updated to reflect the more recent quotes I've posted. A big thank you to Charles Johnson at LittleGreenFootballs.com for the link today.

Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at September 25, 2008 05:09 PM